On January 1, 2023, Netflix released an original series: Kaleidoscope. This series focuses on a heist by following the planning and motivation that contributed to it, as well as the aftermath of its enactment. The series contains eight episodes, each one labeled as a color that contains a piece of information pertaining to the heist. Each episode is also labeled by its relation to the point in time of the heist over the course of 25 years. Green takes place seven years before the heist, yellow takes place six weeks before the heist, violet takes place twenty-four years before the heist, orange takes place three weeks before the heist, blue takes place five days before the heist, red takes place the morning after the heist, pink takes place six months after the heist, and white takes place during the heist.
While the episodes can be watched in chronological order, starting with the Violet episode and ending with the Pink episode, it is advised to watch these episodes in random order. This concept is what makes the series so fascinating. Viewers can begin with any episode they wish and watch the episodes in any order as long as they save the white episode (containing the actual heist) for the end. Using this method allows certain episodes to fill in the gaps from previous episodes, allowing the viewer to make predictions and come to important realizations that they would not have gotten if they watched the series in order.
This concept is very unique in that it allows viewers to watch the series in the order they want. This creates a fun and exciting experience for the audience because certain things in the episodes they choose to watch are unknown to them. Certain surprising facts about the characters will be revealed to the viewers, and many predictions about the actions of certain characters will have to be made. This element of the unknown is what makes this a fascinating and distinct series that distinguishes it from other shows.