Pictured here are 500 pinwheels outside of Kinnelon High School.
January 12, 2018
Earlier this month, five hundred pinwheels were placed on the lawn of Kinnelon High School for the Pinwheel Project earlier this month .
Was this some kind of prank?
Turns out, this was a strategic part of what is known as the Pinwheel Project.
Each pinwheel represents 10 of the 5,000 annual teenage deaths caused by drinking alcohol; and Kinnelon is participating this year to bring awareness to underage drinking.
Principal Gary Suda sat down with The Hitching Post to discuss the project.
Gabriella: Do you believe this project is important for students to know about?
Gary Suda: This is a very important project; five thousand annual teenage deaths due to underage drinking is a tragedy.
G: Is this Kinnelon’s first year doing it? If so, why did the school only decide to do it now?
SD: Yes, our first year. We joined a partnership with Kamelot, Kinnelon’s municipal alliance, to support students and instituted the initiative this year.
G: Will the school be doing the project next year?
SD: I believe we will. We received very positive feedback from both students and the community. Hundreds of students, faculty and community members have walked past and read the sign communicating the project and what the pinwheels represent. I believe the message is powerful and will help individuals make better decisions- ultimately saving lives.
G: If students want to contribute next year, can they volunteer?
SD: Absolutely. Students volunteered and assisted Mrs. [Danielle] Wysocki [Student Assistance Counselor] this year with the project. Next year, additional students would be welcome.