The students at Kinnelon High School are scheduled to take finals from June 10 until June 13. Since KHS does not take midterms, things are done a little differently. It is important to be prepared, well informed, and to decide which finals to take or to drop.
Freshmen are required to take all of their finals, sophomores are permitted to drop one of their finals, juniors are permitted to drop two of their finals, and seniors are permitted to drop unlimited finals. However, the grade in that class must be a 90 or higher, in order to drop that final. Also, seniors who participate in senior service are automatically exempt from their finals, no matter their grades.
Preparing for finals is very important, and every teacher prepares their students differently. Studying early is the key to success. This comes with staying organized throughout the school year and holding onto information after each unit. “My biggest mistake was throwing away my worksheets after each marking period because when it was time to study for finals, I barely had anything to study from,” said sophomore Gianni Nrecaj. An important hack is to empty folders and binders into safe spots at home when backpacks become too cluttered, instead of throwing everything away.
Some teachers provide review packets and other teachers do not provide anything. However, it is crucial to complete these packets for the greatest success. Also, if a teacher does not provide any form of review, it could be helpful to reach out by asking what would be most important to review. “I was very scared before finals last year and I did not know what to expect, but I started studying about two weeks earlier and I did really well on all of my finals,” said sophomore Monica Pazowski. Teachers are not trying to trick students on the finals, they are just challenging them.
When deciding which finals to drop, it is necessary to ask a few questions and evaluate the outcomes of each class. Although the grade must be 90 or above, which class provided the most trouble? “This year I think I am going to drop my physics class because I have a good grade, but I find myself studying for hours before each test and I have trouble recalling the information after each chapter,” said junior Gianna Gianforte. It is important to remember that it might be time-consuming to study for multiple different finals, so consider dropping a class that takes more time to study for.
Staying calm and being well-rested is vital for achieving good grades. It is not beneficial to stay up late on the night before the test because it affects the way the body and the brain function. According to News in Health, “Loss of sleep impairs your higher levels of reasoning, problem-solving and attention to detail,” said Dr. Merrill Mitler, a sleep expert and neuroscientist at NIH. Being well-prepared can prevent nerves and panic, but this starts with staying attentive and studying at a good time.