Tensions rose as the match was about to begin. The fencers took their positions, gripped their swords, and locked eyes. As the referee signaled the start, the crowd held its breath as the first clash of blades rang out.
The girls’ fencing season has been underway for about a month. Even though the season is fresh, the team has already faced hardships. “Since we don’t have enough coaches per weapon, it has been hard for the freshman and new members to learn how to fence. Another big challenge has been our lack of people, especially in girl’s foil. Because of the limited number of people on our team, when one person cannot attend or is sick, it costs us at meets and tournaments,” says Ahmed.
Off the piste, the team’s unity is shown. “The biggest strength of our team is our ability to work together and build team spirit. I believe this is crucial, both for the team as a whole and for the individual fencers. It’s incredibly encouraging to hear your teammates cheering you on while you’re fencing since it really helps boost morale and drive,” says junior Sofia Sanchez.
The team’s current record is 1-8. Despite the tough start, the team has shown resilience. “The team’s biggest strength this season has been our team spirit. Although we’ve only won one meet this season, our team hasn’t lowered their morale. At every meet, we all try our best, and we don’t let the losses push us down,” says Ahmed.
This year, the team has welcomed many freshmen, who bring new energy and challenges as they adapt to new styles, especially foil and saber. The seasoned members and coaches have supported the newcomers in improving their skills.
Coach Mark Hecht emphasized the importance of guidance and motivation. “ No matter how hard you work, you are going to lose a lot of the time. I try to stay positive and make sure everyone knows that I see improvement and that their efforts are appreciated,” he says.
As the days get closer to the District Championship, practices are filled with preparation. “During lessons before important competitions, I try to reinforce that the students need to focus on what’s happening on the strip and to use their emotions, not be overwhelmed by them,” says Hecht.
As the season progresses, Sanchez plans to enhance her current and future skills. “My personal goal for this fencing season is to learn from each opponent I face and continuously improve my skills. So far, this year has been a major learning experience, and I’ve made it my aim to develop into a skilled fencer. Ultimately, I hope to qualify for an individual tournament during my senior year,” she says.
The fencers moved precisely, showing the skills they acquired through countless practice hours. The match was fierce as the blades echoed with intensity. Regardless of the outcome, the team will continue to progress and improve together.