In a technologically predominant world, people wonder if learning to write, print, or cursive, is necessary. Thanks to technological advancements, handwriting became obsolete. The world prioritizes efficiency so most schools see writing as a waste of time. So a debate began about handwriting’s relevance in the digital age.
Schools teach handwriting from first to sixth grade, but it became nonmandatory in 2010. Surveys show that 94% of public schools now provide students with laptops to complete their education. Further research shows schools spend a short range of time, only 3.4-18%, on writing activities. English teacher Aileen Florio said she only has her students write journal entries. Many feel handwriting is obsolete. Teachers notice this when students submit handwritten essays and struggle to read them. English teacher John Penola, another KHS teacher, when asked about his students’ writing said, “I’d say about 10% of what my students hand in is foreign language.”
But the debate still happened because the world is reluctant to let penmanship disappear completely. The world wants a balance. Yes, technology is faster and, in some ways, better. On computers, students can create projects without as many limitations as paper has. But putting pen to paper is as integral to culture as a country’s flag. Writing connects people. It encourages artistic expression. The reason for signatures was to make a unique way to identify humans. Grandparents are in the habit of writing long letters to their kids and grandkids and long for letters back. Writing connects people in a deeper way which texting simply cannot. When asked how she would feel about a total switch from writing to typing, Florio said, “I would be sad to see technology really take over such a thing that makes us human. AI can not handwrite for you. It can mimic but… writing is a task that makes us human.”
Indeed, the benefits of technology cannot be denied. The world has come a long way since inventing computers, the Internet, AI, etc. However, the benefits of writing have also been heavily researched. English teacher Jason DelPiano says, “Handwriting is still essential in the academic setting. If you’re running late for your college class, your teacher can only provide a pencil and paper, not your laptop. A full on switch would destroy that.” Research shows writing is a kinaesthetic learning method – meaning students physically do something to process new information. The same researcher found creative writing can affect students’ feelings, improving mood and cognitive abilities. A survey by the National Association of Colleges and Employers found that 72.7% of employers look for candidates with strong written communication skills, including being able to write well by hand.
So, though handwriting is becoming unnecessary, it is still an art, an expression of what makes humans alive. Penola, when asked for his verdict on the matter said, “You don’t need it [writing]. But I feel like it’d be a shame. It’s a skill, to be able to create something with your hands, to not be reliant on technology in an increasingly technology-reliant world.”