As the winter rolls around, it can become tough to stay motivated to stay active and keep your body moving. From the freezing cold weather and the days getting darker much faster, all anybody wants to do is get cozy and stay inside. Nonetheless, to keep a healthy mind and body it is important to stay active during the winter months.
Staying active and working out in the winter seems impossible. As the winter progresses, it gets colder and colder outside, making it difficult to go for a run, walk, or hike. However, there are so many indoor alternatives and ways around this issue to stay fit and keep your body moving, even when it is below freezing outside. From home workouts to indoor sports to going to the gym, there are a variety of different ways to stay active during the chilly season.
Investing in a gym membership can be a major game changer. There is so much to do at the gym. There are so many great workout options to choose from, from cardio to strength training; there is something there for everyone. Sophomore Natalia Carvajal says, “I love going to the gym during the winter, there is so much to do, I never get bored because I am always doing something new. It makes me feel so productive and put together even if I only go for a short amount of time”. The gym can be such a good way to get out of the house and do something, even for just 30-45 minutes a few times a week can make a huge positive impact on one’s lifestyle.
The gym can be a little scary, and out of some people’s comfort zones, that’s why home workouts are another great way to stay active during this time. If you don’t want to work out in a social area, it is so easy to do it from the comfort of your own home. Pulling up a short Youtube Video on a home workout can be just as effective as going to the gym. Sophomore Alex DeAngelo says, “I don’t have time to go to the gym on a regular basis, but when I find myself bored doing nothing at home, I find doing a quick floor workout can complete my day”.
Going to the gym, and doing home workouts isn’t for everyone. Some people like to do a sport as a form of working out and staying active. A lot of sports are done outside and can be done in the winter, but there are so many other great indoor sports as well. For example, basketball is a great sport to play in the winter. It is a fun way to stay social while staying active. Sophomore Amelia Olsen says, “I am so glad that I joined the basketball team, I can spend time with friends, but also get a good workout on the court”.
Although there are so many fun ways to exercise outside, there are just as many great indoor activities. Even if you like to do something like running outside, and you don’t want to do anything else, it is important to keep an open mind. The treadmill is a great alternative for running or walking, even though it is not the same, it is the closest, most realistic option for the circumstances, so keep an open mind. By exposing yourself to something new, you can find a new way to exercise that you really like and start doing it all year round.