Summer, the time that students look forward to all year long is finally here! Though Summer can get a little boring when the days just drag on, there are many things one can do to occupy their time.
Whether bugs ick you out or not, camping is a must-do experience in everyone’s lifetime. Camping is a great way to learn survival skills that may become handy, and just get outdoors to enjoy the nice summer weather and nature itself. Camping is typically free to do besides the equipment one needs for it which one can either buy or rent. You can typically buy all your needed camping gear in stores like Lowes and Home Depot. Go give it a try and see if you found a new hobby to share alone or with friends!
Plant a Garden
Gardening is a great skill to have in life. It’s the best way to grow your food and minimize all the pesticides and herbicides that get put on store-bought foods. Growing a garden is also once again a good way to get outdoors and connect with nature. The fun thing about gardening is that it starts in the Spring, and leads all the way up to the end of summer. That gives one plenty of time to soak up the sun and get some vitamin D. One can start up a garden by just going to the local supermarket or Lowes and getting a pack of seeds.
Go to a Carnival
Almost every town, especially in Jersey has a carnival. It is a great way to get out with your friends and have fun! You can get however many tickets you like or get yourself a bracelet which typically costs from $40 to $50 to ride unlimited rides. Some typical rides in a carnival are bumper cars, Yoyo, Ferris wheel, drop towers, and the Zipper. There are also plenty of yummy food options, like fried Oreos, fries, cotton candy, etc. if rides aren’t your thing! Going to a carnival is a fun way to make core memories with your friends that will last a lifetime.

Since Kinnelon is basically a big forest, there are plenty of woods and trails to go exploring solo or with friends and family around town. It’s a fantastic way to connect with nature and go outside and enjoy the nice weather. Also, it is a proactive way of getting exercise and moving around while doing something you enjoy! It’s amazing to see what the outdoors has to offer.
Go to the Beach
New Jersey is full of beaches. Whether you have a beach house or not, going down the shore is a typical Jersey tradition during the Summer. There are endless things to do once down the shore like swim in the water, tan, bike riding, or touring the boardwalks. Although not every shore has a boardwalk, there are still main streets full of shops to go into. Going alone or with friends can be equally as fun and can lead to some great memories.
Some Summer days can feel repetitive and boring. These activities are just a few of many that can be done to spice up your summer a little bit. Have fun, be creative, and don’t forget to wear sunscreen this summer!