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The Student News Site of Kinnelon High School

Colt Chronicle

The Student News Site of Kinnelon High School

Colt Chronicle

The Student News Site of Kinnelon High School

Colt Chronicle

Mr. Delpiano poses with Disney princesses in his classroom.

Top 10 with Jason DelPiano

Alisa Friedman and Julia Haines December 3, 2021

Q: Favorite pair of socks? Delpiano is known to have an extravagant sock collection and never goes to school wearing a normal pair. A: “My Chip and Dale Rescue Ranger socks because they remind me of my brother.  I was...

Cast of Waiting For Tuesday with writer, Katie Nieto, in the center

Katie Nieto Finishes 7 Year Project Waiting For Tuesday

Aarushi Kumar, Staff Reporter November 16, 2021

It was Nov. 6, the audience was getting ready to see Waiting for Tuesday, a musical created by senior Katie Nieto. Originally inspired by a Roald Dahl book, Nieto had never thought 7 years later that this simple idea would be...

Infographic on teen drug use

What Is Your Natural High?

Kristina Haviland, Staff Reporter October 27, 2021

Drug and substance use in adolescents has been a growing issue considerably throughout the past decade. With the rise in mental health issues among teenagers, many resort to unhealthy habits and coping mechanisms. As a result,...

Burroughs, Carr, and Ginsberg via The New York Times

The “Literary Lion That Never Roared”

Mikayla Smith April 15, 2021

On August 14, 1944, Lucien Carr killed a man. He stabbed him twice in the chest with a pocket knife, bound his limbs, and rolled him into the Hudson River drunk and, perhaps, very close to losing his mind. It’s quite simple...

A painting made with blue tones of a city skyline and the galaxy above.

The Entrepreneurial Spirit Knows No Bounds

Alex Garcia, Local/World News Editor March 30, 2021

New paint coats the canvas with every brush stroke. Countless hours of work and dedication are attached to the piece. A deep blue sky blends effortlessly into the lighter tones below. Buildings with countless windows tower over...

Give Back Club: Involvement In Raising Awareness

Kristina Haviland, Staff Reporter March 26, 2021

Teen dating violence has become a critical problem in the U.S.; millions of teens are affected by dating violence each year. The Give Back Club at KHS has taken responsibility to bring light to this issue during Teen Dating Violence...

Joann Montague (right) and her sister (left) in a sunflower field.

Born To Be A Florist

Lindsey Millis, Contributing Reporter February 24, 2021

At age 14-year-old, Joann Montague already knew what she wanted to do with her life.  Montague was and still is strong-willed and hard working. Her business, Blooming Brides ,has a 5-star review on Google and similar reviews...

Sophomore Catrina Serocke hopes to pursue a career in dentistry

A Step Closer to the Future for Catrina Serocke

Kristina Haviland, Contributing Reporter February 22, 2021

It was 7:15 p.m. on Jan.22 when sophomore Catrina Serocke saw her results in this year’s HOSA (formerly known as Health Occupations Students of America) Northern Regional Conference. She felt a rush of excitement along with...

Beth Malone gets ready to serve the ball to at a volleyball game last season.

Beth Malone: Class of ‘22 Role Model

Sidhani Jaggi, Contributing Reporter February 21, 2021

A young girl around the age of 13 walked into Kinnelon High School for the first time, feeling nervous and shy and prepared for the worst. Having little idea what her high school career would look like just yet, she could only...

New Year's Resolutions via Tim Mossholder on Unsplash

What Do Teachers Hope for this Upcoming New Year?

Nathan Shurts, Staff Reporter February 3, 2021

Between wildfires, a polarizing election, and a pandemic, 2020 has been a terrifying year. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic is changing lives in more ways than one could have imagined, but one major way this crisis has impacted KHS students...

The logo for Zablocki’s quickly growing podcast, which has a new episode each week.

Kinnelon Teacher Creates Cast on Past

Ethan Burt, Features Editor January 22, 2021

Kinnelon High School history teacher Peter Zablocki started History Teachers Talking, a historical podcast, with a longtime friend and fellow history teacher, Thomas Reszka, in the first months of lockdown caused by the COVID-19...

Some people recommend writing down resolutions to help stick to them.

New Year, New Hopes

Zara Yu, Staff Reporter January 21, 2021

As people across the world ring in the new year, many participate in the classic tradition of creating personal resolutions. Despite the ongoing pandemic and the limits it has put on what people can accomplish, they can still...

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